Learning from Experts: Lourdes Castro on making healthy Latin food delicious

Many people in the US associate Latin restaurants with greasy, cheesy, fattening foods. Those unfamiliar with Latin food and the diversity within that designation might expect these qualities from Latin restaurants and use them to assess “authenticity.” This notion has allowed the idea that traditional Latin foods can’t be healthy which is a tough thingContinue reading “Learning from Experts: Lourdes Castro on making healthy Latin food delicious”

Innovative Collaborations with New Orleans Restaurants: Eat Fit NOLA

The move to our new home, New Orleans (NOLA), brings opportunities for new collaborations. We found an organization whose work with local restaurants aligns with ours: Eat Fit. Eat Fit is a program designed to encourage chefs to offer menu items that promote good health. The Eat Fit menu seal helps customers identify foods thatContinue reading “Innovative Collaborations with New Orleans Restaurants: Eat Fit NOLA”

Learning From Experts: Lourdes Castro MS RDN on Latin Restaurants and Healthy Eating

If you’re like many people who made a New Year’s resolution to eat healthier or perhaps, to lose weight, now might be about when you’re really struggling with your goals. Restrictive diets and bland foods make it pretty difficult to maintain a healthy eating goal. This is especially apparent when dining out. Large portion sizesContinue reading “Learning From Experts: Lourdes Castro MS RDN on Latin Restaurants and Healthy Eating”